A Virtual Museum of Classic Supercomputers, Mainframes, and Minicomputers

The Nostalgic Computing Center is a network of live, virtual computer systems from the 1970's, 1980's, and early 1990's. The network enables you to experience iconic supercomputers from that era including the CDC Cyber 175, the CDC Cyber 875, and the Cray X-MP. The network also includes classic mainframes such as the IBM 3033 and IBM 4381. You can experience iconic minicomputers from DEC and PRIME as well.

A complete list of the types of machines and operating systems in the network follows. Click on a machine description to reveal details and access links enabling you to login and learn more about it. After logging into a machine, you may interact with its programming languages, networking capabilities, and other unique features.

Click on the computer room image to explore a three dimensional model of a vintage machine room.

The diagram, below, depicts the topology of the network and shows how the machines comprising it are interconnected using data communication technologies of the era. Click on any node in the diagram to reveal details about it. Click on any edge in the diagram to reveal information about the respective data communication technology.

This site is made possible by:

Managing Director and Chief Curator: Kevin Jordan

Contact: admin@nostalgiccomputing.org